Holocaust Education Event Planning Resources
The following resources will help you plan your event.
Our speakers tell an individual story that complements a fuller Holocaust education program. Attendees at our talks, particularly young people, benefit immensely from understanding the context and events surrounding this recent history.
We highly recommend that you refer to the resources below to help you plan your event. These organisations are dedicated to Holocaust education and have developed suggestions, themes, activities and full lesson plans to assist you.
The Anne Frank Trust uses Anne Frank’s life and diary to empower young people. They partner with a variety of institutions to deliver educational programmes and exhibitions to young people https://annefrank.org.uk
The British Library holds a large collection of recorded survivor testimony for public use https://www.bl.uk/learning/histcitizen/voices/testimonies/survivors.html
The Holocaust Educational Trust works to raise awareness and understanding of the Holocaust, providing teacher training, an outreach programme for schools, teaching aids and resource material. https://www.het.org.uk/education
The Holocaust Memorial Day Trust sets the theme for National Holocaust Memorial Day and provides free resources for everyone to get involved. Resources include lesson plans, assemblies, poems and films. https://www.hmd.org.uk
The International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance provide recommendations for teaching and learning about the Holocaust using fact-based techniques. https://www.holocaustremembrance.com/resources/educational-materials
The National Holocaust Centre and Museum welcome visitors throughout the year to their exhibitions and memorial gardens and provides learning resources for different audiences https://www.holocaust.org.uk
University of Huddersfield: Holocaust Learning and Museum
Centre for Holocaust Education, University of London, Institute of Education, provides teacher training, resources and lesson plans informed by research and Holocaust pedagogy https://www.holocausteducation.org.uk/teacher-resources
The Wiener Holocaust Library houses the new online resource The Holocaust Explained is a valuable resource for schools https://www.theholocaustexplained.org/